Food Sensitivities and Digestive Enzymes
These days, we have to be acutely aware of the differences between food allergies, food sensitivities and food intolerances. It’s easy to get nervous because the three sound so similar to their meanings and definitions. The good news is that sensitivity and intolerance to various foods are not the same nor are they as critical as a food allergy. And whereas food allergies are critical conditions, serious and always to be watched for, food sensitivities are frequently and easily treated by using supplemental digestive enzymes.
Food sensitivity is a state in which the body lacks the proper amount of enzymes to break down the food substance in question. Meaning, a person who is sensitive to dairy products and the sugar contained therein (a condition referred to as lactose intolerance ) lacks the required level of enzymes to break down that food. This condition leads to the person suffering from cramping, painful bloating, diarrhea, and other embarrassing and uncomfortable symptoms that can frequently diminish their quality of life.
Food allergies are an immune system response to various materials within certain foods. Food sensitivities and intolerances are linked almost exclusively to issues with the digestive system, from the stomach all the way through to the colon. Let’s break it down a little.
Enzymes are proteins that are responsible for almost all of the chemical reactions in our bodies. Enzymes catalyze the process of breaking down larger, complex molecules into smaller molecules more readily available to be used by the body.
Over the course of our lives, our bodies produce less and less of these enzymes. Often, we’re unaware of this shortfall, as we learn to adapt and live around the deficiency, or we assume we’re just aging and dealing with consequences of that. Some people suffer from such a large shortfall of enzymes that it leads to problems, frequently in the digestion of the food they eat.
Food sensitivities are frequently seen in many of the same sorts of foods in which we see the more common allergies. Eggs, peanuts, and shellfish are among the most common followed by dairy products (lactose intolerance) and gluten. In these cases, the proper digestion of these various food types is hampered by the person’s reduced levels or total lack of the required enzyme needed to help break the food down.
This reduced state can lead to poor digestion and possible discomfort. Symptoms such as the aforementioned cramping, diarrhea and bloating may occur, as well as conditions like lethargy, headaches and even heartburn or acid reflux.
These symptoms are rather general, and it may be worthwhile to contact your physician to get a diagnosis and guidance on how to handle the condition. Tests are readily available and range from blood work ordered by your physician to mail order kits that require a mere finger stick and a few drops of blood to obtain the results you’ll need. A doctor’s office is a great place to start planning out how you’re going to deal with your condition.
Dealing with food sensitivities is a rather straightforward exercise. Typically, people with food sensitivities completely avoid the food in general just to be safe. However, by taking an appropriate high-quality digestive enzyme supplement, you can enjoy the foods that would normally cause you problems and discomforts.
Avoiding the food in question works because without that specific food source, your body is unable to react. In fact, it is through avoidance that some of the early work in successfully diagnosing a sensitivity can be done. But we’re all well aware of just how difficult it can be to completely avoid any one thing in our lives. From nights out with friends to family dinners, who can be totally confident that gluten isn’t in the food you’re eating? Who wants to explain to the waiter that you don’t want any dairy products in order to avoid aggravating your lactose intolerance? That’s when supplements come into play.
These supplements provide your digestive tract with a boost to the enzymes you lose naturally over time. Take the supplement like you would any other, and begin to enjoy that quality of life that those symptoms took from you. Suddenly, you’re no longer worried about what’s on the menu, or if Mom got the right lactose-reduced milk for her mashed potatoes. It’s back to enjoying life.